Deep Multiple Sequence Alignment Generation
DeepMSA (version 1) is an approach to generate multiple sequence alignment (MSA)
through iterative search of whole-genome
Uniclust30 and
and metagenome (
Metaclust) sequence databases.
DeepMSA1 is desgined only for single-chain proteins.
For multi-chain complexes and for single-chain monomers with much enhanced performance,
please refer to
DeepMSA version 1 package download:
- Chengxin Zhang, Wei Zheng, S M Mortuza, Yang Li, Yang Zhang.
DeepMSA: constructing deep multiple sequence alignment to improve
contact prediction and fold-recognition for distant-homology proteins. Bioinformatics,
36: 2105-2112 (2020).
[Supporting Information]