EvoDesign is an evolutionary-profile based approach to de novo design of proteins and protein-protein interactions. Starting from a scaffold protein (or protein complex) structure, EvoDesign first identifies protein families which have similar folds and/or interfaces from the PDB library by TM-align or iAlign, respectively. Multiple structural profiles are then constructed from the protein and protein-interface templates, which are used to guide the search of amino acid sequence space, where physicochemical side-chain and backbone packing is accommodated by a newly constructed physics- and knowledge-based force field (EvoEF). The final designed sequences are selected through clustering all sequence decoys generated during the Monte Carlo design simulation. The EvoDesign server includes two design options: "Monomer Design" and "Interface Design", which take monomer and complex structures and are designed for protein fold and protein-protein interaction designs, respectively. Please report your questions to the Service System Discussion Board and a lab member will study and answer the questions promptly ( >> more about the EvoDesign server)
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