DockRMSD is a program for the calculation of RMSD (root-mean-square deviation)
between two poses of the
same ligand molecule docked on the same protein structure without the
assumption of known atomic ordering between the two files. This is achieved by
recursively determining all possible atomic mappings between the two poses
given their respective atomic bonding networks,
and returning the mapping whose RMSD is the lowest.
This is particularly relevant for comparing ligands with symmetric structure
(e.g., benzene ring) as a simiple comparison based on default atomic ordering
does not result in the minimum RMSD.
DockRMSD does not perform any structural superposition; to calculate RMSD
between two superimposed ligand conformations,
see LS-align.
Note: This algorithm assumes that the two structure files represent two
poses of the same ligand molecule, and that the two poses are oriented relative
to aligned receptors.
DockRMSD download
- Click DockRMSD.c to download the newest version of
the source code of DockRMSD coded in C. You can compile the program on your
Linux computer using:
gcc DockRMSD.c -o DockRMSD -lm -O3
- Click DockRMSD.h to download a header file version
of DockRMSD, which implements DockRMSD's functionality in an importable function
compatible with any C/C++ program. (Note: the -lm flag is required when
compiling a program that includes this header file).
- Click DockRMSD to download the compiled binary
for Linux systems. Nevetheless, it is strongly recommended that users download
the DockRMSD source code and compile it on your machine, which will optimize
the speed of the program.
- Click data.tar.gz to download all manuscript related data.
- E.W. Bell, Y. Zhang. DockRMSD: an Open-Source Tool for Atom Mapping and
RMSD calculation of Symmetric Molecules through Graph Isomorphism. Journal of
Cheminformatics, 11:40 (2019). (PDF).