DMFold (also known as DMFold-Multimer) is a deep learning-based approach to protein complex structure and function prediction built on deep
multiple sequence alignments (MSAs).
The core of the pipeline is the integration of
with the modified structure module of AlphaFold2.
Starting from a set of query sequences, DMFold first creates deep monomeric MSAs using an iterative search
procedure through multiple whole-genome (Uniclust30 and UniRef90)
and metagenome (Metaclust, BFD, Mgnify, TaraDB, MetaSourceDB and JGIclust) databases,
where multimeric MSAs are then constructed by pairing the monomeric MSAs based on species annotations.
DMFold participated (as "Zheng")
and ranked as the No. 1 method for protein-protein complex structure prediction,
with accuracy significantly higher than the state-of-the-art AlphaFold2 program
(i.e., "NBIS-AF2-multimer" in CASP15).

Although DMFold focuses on multi-chain protein complexes, it also accepts single-chain monomer sequences (DMFold-Monomer pipeline).
The server is freely accessible to all users, including commercial ones.
Please report problems and questions at
Zhang Lab Server Forum.
[Example outputs for complex]
[Example outputs for monomer]
[Benchmark Dataset]
[Standalone package]
[Human Proteome]
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DMFold News:
2024/03/22: DMFold (v1.2) standalone package is online.
2024/02/09: DMFold (v1.1) standalone package is online.
2024/01/02: DMFold (v1.0) standalone package is online.
2024/01/02: DeepMSA2/DMFold (CASP15 version) paper has been published in Nature Methods.
2023/01/01: DMFold participated (as "Zheng") in CASP15
and ranked as the No. 1 method for protein-protein complex structure prediction.
- Wei Zheng, Qiqige Wuyun, Yang Li, Chengxin Zhang, P Lydia Freddolino, Yang Zhang.
Improving deep learning protein monomer and complex structure prediction using DeepMSA2 with huge metagenomics data.
Nature Methods, (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-023-02130-4.
Wei Zheng, Quancheng Liu, Qiqige Wuyun, P. Lydia Freddolino, Yang Zhang.
DMFold: A deep learning platform for protein complex structure and function predictions based on DeepMSA2.
In preparation.
Wei Zheng, Qiqige Wuyun, Peter L Freddolino, Yang Zhang.
Integrating deep learning, threading alignments, and a multi-MSA strategy for high-quality protein monomer and complex structure prediction in CASP15.
1-20. Proteins. (2023). doi:10.1002/prot.26585.