LOMETS (Local Meta-Threading Server) is meta-threading method for template-based protein structure prediction. For a given sequence, it generates 3D models by collecting high-scoring structural templates from 11 locally-installed threading programs (CEthreader, FFAS3D, HHpred, HHsearch, MUSTER, Neff-MUSTER, PPAS, PRC, PROSPECT2, SP3, and SparksX ). A detailed description of the server can be seen in the About LOMETS page. Please post your questions and comments about LOMETS at the Service System Discussion Board.
Updating Notes: LOMETS has been updated to LOMETS2 with major updates including: (i) template liberary: while template libraries in former LOMETS are generated separately for different threading programs, which can result in inconsistent update and completeness of template structures, an unified and comprehensive template library is now created and weekly updated for all threading programs; (ii) MSA profile: a deep multiple sequence alignment (MSA) approach is developed to create deep sequence profiles for all template proteins, which significantly improves the accuracy of almost all the profile- and HHM-based threading alignments; (iii) threading programs: more than half of the old threading programs were renewed and/or replaced by the state-of-the-art methods, including the cutting-edge contact-based threading algorithms; (iv) function annotations: completely redesigned the output page which contains now structure-based function annotations derived from threading templates.
The output of the updated LOMETS server includes (Example output):
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| (734) 647-1549 | 100 Washtenaw Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2218