How to directly convert I-TASSER output into .pdb files
How to directly convert I-TASSER output into .pdb files
Hello! I am using I-TASSER downloaded onto my machine. I am only interested in the .pdb file output from I-TASSER. Is there an easier way to create .pdb from the and exp.dat output files than running all of gives me IndexError errors. Thanks!!
Re: How to directly convert I-TASSER output into .pdb files and exp.dat are the results of secondary structure prediction and solvent accessibility prediction, respectively. These two files did not include any atom coordinates. They cannot be converted to pdb files. But you can use the pymol script to show these results in the 3D model.
Re: How to directly convert I-TASSER output into .pdb files
you can check the model*.pdb files, those are the final pdb files of I-TASSER