Edock submission error

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Edock submission error

Post by birchfieldas »

Hello, upon attempting to submit a structure and ligand through Edock, I receive the following error. I have attached the protein and ligand file i used in the submission. Any help is greatly appreciated!

<type 'exceptions.IndexError'> Python 2.7.18: /usr/bin/python2
Fri Aug 25 14:10:33 2023
A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

/www/html/EDock/bin/edock.cgi in <module>()
83 ip_flag = True
84 ip_count = 0
=> 85 ip_count=check_ip(ip)
87 if(ip_count<=5 and ip_count>0):
ip_count = 0, check_ip = <function check_ip>, ip = ''
/www/html/EDock/bin/module/check_input.py in check_ip(ip='')
297 fpreader = fp.read()
298 fp.close()
=> 299 alreadyip=fpreader.splitlines()[0].split('\t')[1]
300 if (alreadyip == ip.strip()):
301 ipcount = ipcount +1
alreadyip undefined, fpreader = '', fpreader.splitlines = <built-in method splitlines of str object>, ].split undefined
<type 'exceptions.IndexError'>: list index out of range
args = ('list index out of range',)
message = 'list index out of range'
protein and ligand.tar
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Joined: Tue May 04, 2021 5:06 pm

Re: Edock submission error

Post by XiZhang »

Dear user,

Thank you for using our server and reporting the bug. We have fixed it and you should be good to submit your job again.

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