Forum Registration Error

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Forum Registration Error

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From: <k***>
Date: Friday, June 2, 2023 at 00:11
To: Yang Zhang <>
Subject: Forum Registration Error


I am receiving errors while attempting to register for the forum and I'm wondering if you could direct me to someone who can assist.

The forum help page says to contact the board administrator, but I haven't found the contact information to do so.

Here are a few screenshots showing the output of the registration attempt:
WeChat Image_20230601123526.jpg
WeChat Image_20230601123526.jpg (116.1 KiB) Viewed 16296 times
Posts: 76
Joined: Wed Nov 03, 2021 5:59 pm

Re: Forum Registration Error

Post by »

The message "The solution you provided was incorrect" was caused by the password being too weak, i.e., <6 characters, does not have numbers, or does not have both upper and lower cases.

Can you explain how did you get triggers the "Invalid domain for site key" error? This is likely caused by triggering a reCAPTCHA after failing to register too many times. If that is the case, you can wait for a few minutes before trying again.
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