I am using mkseq.pl script.
The following was my command:
Code: Select all
user_name@server_name:~/spatial/reconstruction_tools/remo_v2$ perl mkseq.pl /home/spatial/input_pdb/pdb1a6j.pdb 1
PSIPRED finished
- seq.dat
- protein.fasta
- psitmp27331007f0101.blast
- psitmp27331007f0101.fasta
psitmp27331007f0101.blast is also practically empty.
I have a few questions in this regard:
- Is it normal for the psitmp27331007f0101.blast to be empty in this case?
- What do you think I should change to successfully generate seq.dat file?
- Do I need to generate one seq.dat file for each PDB file to be used with ./REMO.pl command? If so, how can I do that, as all seq.dat files are saved with the same name in the same directory?