question about SPRING score

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question about SPRING score

Post by Louisl »

Hi Zhang Lab Team,

I notice that the result of SPRING has a SPRING score, which evaluates models constructed from monomer-to-oligomer mappings. In the article of SPRING (PMCID: PMC4076494), SPRING score is represented as

SPRING-score = min(ZA, ZB) + w1 TM + w2 contact

And the results of off-line SPRING contain a file TemplateSummary.txt like this:
# Complex Template SpringScore LenAligned Dfire Coverage SeqidA TMscoreA ZscoreA ProbabilityA EvauleA SeqidB TMscoreB ZscoreB ProbabilityB EvauleB
1 1cwqA/1_0_0-1cwqA/1_1_1 43.999 287 205.877 0.367 0.209 0.201 -3.851 1.340 7.1e+03 0.134 0.261 -4.643 0.260 4.4e+04

It looks like there are TM scores for both chain A and chain B, and the term "contact" is not included in this file, I'm a bit confused about these terms.Could you tell which parts of this file correspond to the parts in the above equation of SPRING score? Thanks very much.

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Re: question about SPRING score

Post by xiaogenz »

As I understand it, ZscoreA and ZscoreB correspond to ZA and ZB in the equation, respectively. TMscoreA and TMscoreB are used to determine the second term TM which is described in Page 719 of the paper. It seems the file did not report the third term.
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