I have obtained a precision matrix (441, L, L) from ResPre. I want to generate a distrogram-like plot where I can map a representative value (e.g. covariance) using the precision matrix for all pairwise positions (L x L) as in fig. 1 in the paper. What is the proper way to reduce the 21 x 21 matrix to a single representative value?
ResPre precision matrix
Re: ResPre precision matrix
Thanks for the interest. In fact, the plot in Fig.1 was at the size of LX21 by Lx21. You can plot the output matrix of ROPE in https://github.com/leeyang/ResPRE/blob/ ... ecision.py (LINE43) for the raw precision matrix for visualization. If you need an L x L matrix, you may check Text S4 of https://zhanggroup.org//papers/2021_6_support.pdf for details.
Thanks for the interest. In fact, the plot in Fig.1 was at the size of LX21 by Lx21. You can plot the output matrix of ROPE in https://github.com/leeyang/ResPRE/blob/ ... ecision.py (LINE43) for the raw precision matrix for visualization. If you need an L x L matrix, you may check Text S4 of https://zhanggroup.org//papers/2021_6_support.pdf for details.