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LOMETS results for example

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 Input Sequence in FASTA format
 Predicted Secondary Structure
 Predicted Solvent Accessibility
 Top 10 Templates Identified by LOMETS
  Full-Length Models Built on Top Templates
 Top Templates and Function Annotation from Component Threading Programs
 Templates from CEthreader
 Templates from HHpred
 Templates from SparksX
 Templates from FFAS3D
 Templates from Neff-MUSTER
 Templates from MUSTER
 Templates from HHsearch
 Templates from SP3
 Templates from PPAS
 Templates from PROSPECTOR2
 Templates from PRC

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1.W Zheng, C Zhang, Q Wuyun, R Pearce, Y Li, Y Zhang. LOMETS2: improved meta-threading server for fold-recognition and structure-based function annotation for distant-homology proteins. Nucleic Acids Research, 47: W429-W436 (2019).
2.S Wu, Y Zhang. LOMETS: A local meta-threading-server for protein structure prediction. Nucleic Acids Research, 35: 3375-3382 (2007).