1. error without MSA file generate!
I have updated all library files and still cannot resolve.
2. error: /home/michael/C-I-TASSER-1.0/example/MSA/protein.aln does not exist!
Code: Select all
michael@michaelvm:~/ITLIB$ /home/michael/C-I-TASSER-1.0/I-TASSERmod/runI-TASSER.pl -pkgdir /home/michael/C-I-TASSER-1.0 -libdir /home/michael/ITLIB -seqname Tins26 -datadir /home/michael/C-I-TASSER-1.0/example
Your setting for running I-TASSER is:
-pkgdir = /home/michael/C-I-TASSER-1.0
-libdir = /home/michael/ITLIB
-java_home = /usr
-python2 = /nfs/amino-library/anaconda/bin/python
-python3 = /nfs/amino-home/zhng/local_library/anaconda3/bin/python3
-seqname = Tins26
-datadir = /home/michael/C-I-TASSER-1.0/example
-outdir = /home/michael/C-I-TASSER-1.0/example
-runstyle = serial
-homoflag = real
-idcut = 1
-cit = true
-ntemp = 20
-nmodel = 5
-light = false
-hours = 50
-LBS = false
-EC = false
-GO = false
1. make seq.txt and rmsinp
Your protein contains 143 residues:
> Tins26
2.0 run DeepMSA
--------- /home/michael/C-I-TASSER-1.0/example/CITTins26_MSA
hostname: michaelvm
starting time: Sat 21 Aug 2021 06:29:00 PM EDT
pwd: /tmp/michael/CITTins26
error: without MSA file generate!
2.1 run Psi-blast
2.2 Secondary structure prediction was done before.
2.3 Predict solvent accessibility...
2.4 run pairmod
2.4.1 Use all templates
2.4.2 running pair ................
30000 6379375 total lib str & residues
number of observations 27.03459 1658491.
pair done
3.0 do contact prediction
run restriplet for contact prediction...
hostname: michaelvm
starting time: Sat 21 Aug 2021 06:47:31 PM EDT
pwd: /tmp/michael/CITTins26
error: /home/michael/C-I-TASSER-1.0/example/MSA/protein.aln does not exist!
- I have copied COACH and COFACTOR folders and placed them in the ITLIB directory to see if this helps - it does not.
- I downloaded the BioLIP files via the download_all_sets.pl from within the ITLIB directory which creates several new folders and they are all placed into ITLIB directory.
- I have renamed the metaclust, uniref90, and uniclust30 folders per instructions.
- Created the metaclust.fasta.ssi and uniref90.fasta.ssi files per instructions.