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Understanding the Head Node

Typically when you access a cluster system you are accessing a head node, or gateway node. A head node is setup to be the launching point for jobs running on the cluster. When you are told or asked to login or access a cluster system, invariably you are being directed to log into the head node.

A head node is often nothing more than a simply configured system that is configured to act as a middle point between the actual cluster and the outside network. When you are on a head node, you are not actually running or working on the cluster proper. However, all the tools and necessary programs are made available to test and then submit your programs to the cluster, as well as view and manage your data. purpose for this arrangement is to keep your cluster system separate and distinct from other systems and ``appear'' as a single system rather than a aggregation of many individual systems. This has the effect of simplifying access, usage, and efficiency by having all interactions filtered and managed through a few designated points. In theory, you should never have any need to access any of the individual compute nodes of a cluster system, instead relying on the head node and the tools it provides to submit jobs to the cluster, monitor them, and view and retrieve their results.

Note: From a best practices standpoint although the head nodes are often setup to provide a point of access and testing of the programs you want to run on a cluster system, ideally you do not want to run computational programs on the head node itself. Meaning specifically, any programs you want to run on the cluster should not be run on the head node, instead they should be run and tested on the cluster itself using the scheduling system tools on the head node. You should restrict your usage of the head node to programs that let you build and prepare your cluster programs and manage and view your data. In many cluster systems, there are often resources (cluster nodes) explicitly reserved for testing purposes.

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