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Job Submission - Doing something useful

So far this documentation has covered the basics of using a few TORQUE commands, and accessing and using a Unix/Linux system. This information covers the rawest of fundamentals of using the cluster system for your programs. At this point you are ready to start experimenting with the cluster and using it to facilitate your research. This section will go into further details on scripting and setting up jobs and elaborating on best practices and suggestions on how to script them. However, this section will only cover serial jobs, using only a single processor. distributed or threaded jobs will be discussed in the section on advanced job submission.

This purpose of this section is to teach technique and method, rather than particular details of how and why things work. While these details may be mentioned, they may also be only briefly explained. If there are questions on any of the particular commands, variables, or arguments used in this section please see the appropriate sections of this guide, or feel free to examine an external documentation source.

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