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Threpp results for TPP9

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 Input Sequence in FASTA format
 Top 20 dimer threading templates
 Top 20 the aligned regions of the template structure

The aligned region of the template structure identified by SPRING for the complex.
    to view
    1 Template1.pdb.gz
    2 Template2.pdb.gz
    3 Template3.pdb.gz
    4 Template4.pdb.gz
    5 Template5.pdb.gz
    6 Template6.pdb.gz
    7 Template7.pdb.gz
    8 Template8.pdb.gz
    9 Template9.pdb.gz
    10 Template10.pdb.gz
    11 Template11.pdb.gz
    12 Template12.pdb.gz
    13 Template13.pdb.gz
    14 Template14.pdb.gz
    15 Template15.pdb.gz
    16 Template16.pdb.gz
    17 Template17.pdb.gz
    18 Template18.pdb.gz
    19 Template19.pdb.gz
    20 Template20.pdb.gz
    (a) Threpp models are ranked in the same order as the respective dimer templates, as listed here.
    (b) Download dimer templates.
 Top 20 structure full-length models

The full-length model constructed by superimposing the monomer templates onto the complex templates by SPRING.
    to view
    1 model1.pdb.gz
    2 model2.pdb.gz
    3 model3.pdb.gz
    4 model4.pdb.gz
    5 model5.pdb.gz
    6 model6.pdb.gz
    7 model7.pdb.gz
    8 model8.pdb.gz
    9 model9.pdb.gz
    10 model10.pdb.gz
    11 model11.pdb.gz
    12 model12.pdb.gz
    13 model13.pdb.gz
    14 model14.pdb.gz
    15 model15.pdb.gz
    16 model16.pdb.gz
    17 model17.pdb.gz
    18 model18.pdb.gz
    19 model19.pdb.gz
    20 model20.pdb.gz
    (a) Threpp models are ranked in the same order as the respective dimer templates, as listed here.
    (b) Download structure models.
 Combination with high-throughput experiment (HTE)

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1.Weikang Gong, Aysam Guerler, Chengxin Zhang, Elisa Warner, Chunhua Li, Yang Zhang. Integrating Multimeric Threading With High-throughput Experiments for Structural Interactome of Escherichia coli. Journal of Molecular Biology, 433: 166944 (2021).