TM-score Results
* A scoring function to assess the similarity of protein structures *
* Based on statistics: *
* 0.0 < TM-score < 0.17, random structural similarity *
* 0.5 < TM-score < 1.00, in about the same fold *
* Reference: Yang Zhang and Jeffrey Skolnick, Proteins 2004 57: 702-710 *
* For comments, please email to: *
Structure1: A527098 Length= 72
Structure2: B527098 Length= 72 (by which all scores are normalized)
Number of residues in common= 72
RMSD of the common residues= 3.323
TM-score = 0.6443 (d0= 2.97)
MaxSub-score= 0.6197 (d0= 3.50)
GDT-TS-score= 0.6840 %(d<1)=0.3611 %(d<2)=0.5556 %(d<4)=0.8333 %(d<8)=0.9861
GDT-HA-score= 0.4722 %(d<0.5)=0.1389 %(d<1)=0.3611 %(d<2)=0.5556 %(d<4)=0.8333
-------- rotation matrix to rotate Chain-1 to Chain-2 ------
i t(i) u(i,1) u(i,2) u(i,3)
1 -23.6888456535 0.7470610264 0.6341772683 0.1992963000
2 12.4891786164 -0.0847670740 -0.2064761022 0.9747728773
3 45.8859839110 0.6593287238 -0.7451085904 -0.1004928974
Superposition in the TM-score: Length(d<5.0)= 62 RMSD= 2.26
(":" denotes the residue pairs of distance < 5.0 Angstrom)
:::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: :::
Visualization of TM-score superposition
Document downloads
- Click A527098.pdb to download the first structure that you submitted.
- Click B527098.pdb to download the second structure that you submitted.
- Click C527098.pdb to download the superposed structure in C-alpah trace (This file is in a Rasmol script format, you can run 'rasmol -script C527098.pdb' to view the structure).
- Click D527098.pdb to download the superposed structure in full-atom (This file is in a Rasmol script format, you can run 'rasmol -script D527098.pdb' to view the structure).
- Y. Zhang, J. Skolnick, Scoring function for automated assessment of protein structure template quality,
Proteins, 57: 702-710 (2004).
- J. Xu, Y. Zhang, How significant is a protein structure similarity with TM-score=0.5?
Bioinformatics, 26, 889-895 (2010).
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