>>> How to install ResQ?
There are two steps to install ResQ:
1) Download and unpack ResQ.tar.bz2 (available at: https://zhanglab.comp.nus.edu.sg/ResQ/download/ResQ.tar.bz2)
2) Download I-TASSER Suite (available at: https://zhanglab.comp.nus.edu.sg/I-TASSER/download/)
>>> How to run ResQ?
There are two methods to run ResQ depending on how your models were generated.
1) If your models were generated by the I-TASSER
Suite, you can run the script runResQ_IT.pl directly to predict
B-factor and local structure errors. The only argument required is the
directory of the I-TASSER decoys. You can read more at the head of this
script to get more information about its input.
2) If your models were not generated by I-TASSER
Suite, you can run runResQ.pl without argument, which will print out
the help information. In this case, ResQ needs to run the LOMETS
program, which is available in the I-TASSER Suite.
>>> What is the output?
For I-TASSER models, the output of ResQ (runResQ_IT.pl) is: rsq_bfp.dat
For other models, the output of ResQ (runResQ.pl) is:
1) global.txt for global accuracy estiamtion
2) local.txt for local error and B-factor estimation