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LOMETS results for example-D2

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 Input Sequence in FASTA format
 Predicted Secondary Structure
 Predicted Solvent Accessibility
 Predicted Contact and Distance Map Used in LOMETS
 Top 10 Templates Identified by LOMETS
  Full-Length Models
 Proteins with similar structure
 Top Templates and Function Annotation from Component Threading Programs
 Templates from Hybrid-CEthreader
 Templates from SparksX
 Templates from CEthreader
 Templates from HHsearch
 Templates from MapAlign
 Templates from MUSTER
 Templates from MRFsearch
 Templates from DisCovER
 Templates from FFAS3D
 Templates from EigenThreader
 Templates from HHpred

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1.W Zheng, Q Wuyun, X Zhou, Y Li, P Freddolino, Y Zhang. LOMETS3: Integrating deep-learning and profile-alignment for advanced protein template recognition and function annotation. in preparation, (2021)
2.W Zheng, C Zhang, Q Wuyun, R Pearce, Y Li, Y Zhang. LOMETS2: improved meta-threading server for fold-recognition and structure-based function annotation for distant-homology proteins. Nucleic Acids Research, 47: W429-W436 (2019).
3.S Wu, Y Zhang. LOMETS: A local meta-threading-server for protein structure prediction. Nucleic Acids Research, 35: 3375-3382 (2007).