After filling out the registration form, a confirmation email, along with the password, will be sent to you shortly. This registration is necessary for you to submit and manage your jobs on the I-TASSER server. Please note, this registration is only for the I-TASSER server but not for the I-TASSER package download which needs a separate registration.
Note: We frequently receive feedbacks that the confirmation email was not received. Since the confirmation emails were sent out automatically by computer, it is most likely that the confirmation email was filtered out by your email security system. So it is wise to check your junk/spam E-mail folders, if you did not receive a confirmation email in your inbox in time. If you found that you did not receive the confirmation email one hour after you correctly submitted your registration information and after you checked your junk/spam mail folders, you can contact and let us know the email that you registered (without the email we could not find your registration information). We received many emails from '*.com' without specifying the email address that they used for registration. We no longer reply such emails. Please also indicate in your letter that your registration is for 'I-TASSER Server' (not 'I-TASSER Suite' that is another registration system). We will resend the registration information to you, manually.
| +65-6601-1241 | Computing 1, 13 Computing Drive, Singapore 117417