Subject: Error in code - SES Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2019 09:59:50 +0000 From: LANGENFELD Florent <> To: <> Dear EDTsurf maintainers, I recently used your EDTSurf software to compute SES of proteins. Accordingly with the inline documentation, I provided the '-s 4' flag to the soft, which produced a warning 'omit wrong value after -s' and set the value to the default value of 3 (MS). I observed the same behavior for bath the Linux executable and the executable compiled from the source code. I've then made a couple of modifications to the EDTSurf.cpp and generated an executable allowing for the computation of the SES, which seems to work so far. The corrected file is attached to this email; please feel free to use the modifications as you wish. Best regards, Florent Langenfeld GBCM - CNAM 2, rue Conté - 75003 Paris EDTSurf_updated.cpp
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