C-I-TASSER download
C-I-TASSER Suite is a package of standalone programs for contact-assisted protein structure prediction. The user manual is at README.txt. Please report bugs and questions at Zhang Lab Service System Discussion Board. The C-I-TASSER Suite is free for academic and non-profit
C-I-TASSER library download:
uniclust30_2017_04_hhsuite.tar.gz: Uniclust30 library (for C-I-TASSER, DeepMSA).
uniref90.fasta.gz: UniRef90 library (for C-I-TASSER, DeepMSA).
metaclust_2017_05.fasta.gz: Metaclust library (for C-I-TASSER, DeepMSA).
CE (~7500MB): CEthreader library (for C-I-TASSER, LOMETS2 and CEthreader).
PDB (~1482MB):
non-redundant protein structures from PDB (for C-I-TASSER, LOMETS2, MUSTER, CEthreader and SEGMER).
MTX (~526MB):
Sequence profiles from PSI-BLAST search (for C-I-TASSER, LOMETS2, MUSTER and SEGMER).
DEP (~315MB):
Depth-dependent structure profiles of templates (for C-I-TASSER, LOMETS2, MUSTER and SEGMER).
SIG (~334MB):
Residue environmental profiles of templates (for C-I-TASSER, LOMETS2).
CNT (~133MB):
Side-chain center contacts of templates (for C-I-TASSER, LOMETS2).
dotProfile (~173MB):
Sequence profiles from PSI-BLAST search (for C-I-TASSER, LOMETS2).
stride (~3MB):
Seven state secondary structure assignment (for C-I-TASSER, LOMETS2).
summary1 (~66MB):
Sequence, secondary structure, solvent accessibilty, phi/psi angles (for C-I-TASSER, LOMETS2, MUSTER and SEGMER).
summary2 (~185MB):
Training data for phi/psi prediction and contact prediction by SVM (for C-I-TASSER, LOMETS2, MUSTER and SEGMER).
Bfactor (~155MB):
B-factor values of templates (for B-factor profile prediction).
Template library files
needed for the COFACTOR and COACH programs.
All libraries are weekly updated.
BioLiP: Ligand-protein binding database.
Instructions on how to configure the three DeepMSA libraries are available at README.txt
C-I-TASSER download:
For academic users, please click
C-I-TASSER download webpage
to download the C-I-TASSER Suite.
If you need C-I-TASSER Suite for a commercial use, please contact us through yangzhanglab