Structure of PDB 4ujd Chain CW

Receptor sequence
>4ujdCW (length=129) Species: 9986 (Oryctolagus cuniculus) [Search protein sequence]
3D structure
PDB4ujd Structure of the Mammalian 80S Initiation Complex with Eif5B on Hcv Ires
Resolution8.9 Å
[Spin on]
[Spin off]
[Reset orientation]

[High quality]
[Low quality]

[White background]
[Black background]

[Download structure with residue number starting from 1]
Interaction with ligand
Ligand Ligand
Binding residues on receptor
(original residue number in PDB)
Binding residues on receptor
(residue number reindexed from 1)
Binding affinity
BS01 rna CW V2 R3 M4 D9 K12 N16 K19 R20 K22 R28 S31 R57 K60 I75 S76 R78 D80 Q82 T105 T106 S107 H120 T121 K124 V1 R2 M3 D8 K11 N15 K18 R19 K21 R27 S30 R56 K59 I74 S75 R77 D79 Q81 T104 T105 S106 H119 T120 K123
Gene Ontology
--> -->
Python 3.6.8: /usr/bin/python3
Fri Mar 7 09:11:58 2025

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

 /var/www/html/BioLiP/pdb.cgi in <module>()
   1443                 pubmed=display_regular_ligand(pdbid,asym_id,lig3,ligIdx,title)
   1444         else:
=> 1445             pubmed,uniprot=display_protein_receptor(pdbid,asym_id,title)
   1447     uniprot_line=''
pubmed = '', uniprot = '', display_protein_receptor = <function display_protein_receptor>, pdbid = '4ujd', asym_id = 'CW', title = 'Structure of the Mammalian 80S Initiation Complex with Eif5B on Hcv Ires'
 /var/www/html/BioLiP/pdb.cgi in display_protein_receptor(pdbid='4ujd', asym_id='CW', title='Structure of the Mammalian 80S Initiation Complex with Eif5B on Hcv Ires')
    840     if go:
=>  841         display_go(go,uniprot,pdbid,asym_id)
    842     return pubmed,uniprot
global display_go = <function display_go>, go = '0003735,0005840,0006412', uniprot = '', pdbid = '4ujd', asym_id = 'CW'
 /var/www/html/BioLiP/pdb.cgi in display_go(go='0003735,0005840,0006412', uniprot='', pdbid='4ujd', asym_id='CW')
    480         '''.replace("$namespace_link",namespace_link
    481           ).replace("$namespace",namespace
=>  482           ).replace("$uniprot",u
    483         ))
    484         for l,(term,name) in enumerate(go2aspect[Aspect]):
u undefined

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'u' referenced before assignment
      args = ("local variable 'u' referenced before assignment",)
      with_traceback = <built-in method with_traceback of UnboundLocalError object>