Structure of PDB 3fiu Chain C

Receptor sequence
>3fiuC (length=238) Species: 376619 (Francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica LVS) [Search protein sequence]
3D structure
PDB3fiu Nicotinamide mononucleotide synthetase is the key enzyme for an alternative route of NAD biosynthesis in Francisella tularensis
Resolution1.85 Å
[Spin on]
[Spin off]
[Reset orientation]

[High quality]
[Low quality]

[White background]
[Black background]

[Download structure with residue number starting from 1]
Interaction with ligand
Ligand Ligand
Binding residues on receptor
(original residue number in PDB)
Binding residues on receptor
(residue number reindexed from 1)
Binding affinity
BS01 MG C D41 E147 D36 E136
BS02 AMP C G35 L36 S37 L61 R124 T142 D158 S193 G30 L31 S32 L56 R113 T131 D147 S182
BS03 POP C S37 G39 I40 D41 S42 K171 P192 S193 S32 G34 I35 D36 S37 K160 P181 S182
Gene Ontology
--> -->
Python 3.6.8: /usr/bin/python3
Thu Dec 19 01:19:49 2024

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

 /var/www/html/BioLiP/pdb.cgi in <module>()
   1443                 pubmed=display_regular_ligand(pdbid,asym_id,lig3,ligIdx,title)
   1444         else:
=> 1445             pubmed,uniprot=display_protein_receptor(pdbid,asym_id,title)
   1447     uniprot_line=''
pubmed = '', uniprot = '', display_protein_receptor = <function display_protein_receptor>, pdbid = '3fiu', asym_id = 'C', title = 'Nicotinamide mononucleotide synthetase is the ke...ute of NAD biosynthesis in Francisella tularensis'
 /var/www/html/BioLiP/pdb.cgi in display_protein_receptor(pdbid='3fiu', asym_id='C', title='Nicotinamide mononucleotide synthetase is the ke...ute of NAD biosynthesis in Francisella tularensis')
    840     if go:
=>  841         display_go(go,uniprot,pdbid,asym_id)
    842     return pubmed,uniprot
global display_go = <function display_go>, go = '0003952,0004359,0005737,0008795,0009435', uniprot = '', pdbid = '3fiu', asym_id = 'C'
 /var/www/html/BioLiP/pdb.cgi in display_go(go='0003952,0004359,0005737,0008795,0009435', uniprot='', pdbid='3fiu', asym_id='C')
    480         '''.replace("$namespace_link",namespace_link
    481           ).replace("$namespace",namespace
=>  482           ).replace("$uniprot",u
    483         ))
    484         for l,(term,name) in enumerate(go2aspect[Aspect]):
u undefined

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'u' referenced before assignment
      args = ("local variable 'u' referenced before assignment",)
      with_traceback = <built-in method with_traceback of UnboundLocalError object>