ANGLOR for backbone dihedral angle prediction version 1.0 written by Sitao Wu INSTALL THE SOFTWARE: 1. uncompress ANGLOR_source.tar.bz2 to a directory like xxxx/ANGLOR_source. 2. change path settings of xxxx/ANGLOR_source/library/bin/psipred24/runpsipred: dbname=xxxx/ANGLOR_source/library/data/nr/nr.filter ncbiname=xxxx/ANGLOR_source/library/bin/blast/bin execname=xxxx/ANGLOR_source/library/bin/psipred24/bin dataname=xxxx/ANGLOR_source/library/bin/psipred24/data 3. change the setting of xxxx/ANGLOR_source/ANGLOR/ $datadir="xxxx/ANGLOR_source/example/$pdb"; #Phi and Psi prediction are saved in # "xxxx/ANGLOR_source/example/$pdb" $libdir="xxxx/ANGLOR_source/library"; #ANGLOR libary $bindir="xxxx/ANGLOR_source/library/bin"; # Directory of ANGLOR executalbe files $user="username"; # Your user name HOW TO RUN THE SOFTWARE: Suppose the sequence file is saved in xxxx/ANGLOR_source/example/e01/seq.txt. First change current directory to xxxx/ANGLOR_source/ANGLOR. Then type: "./ e01". After the prediction is finished, the phi and psi angle predictions are saved in "xxxx/ANGLOR_source/example/$pdb/phi.txt" and "xxxx/ANGLOR_source/example/$pdb/psi.txt" respectively. Please send your questions to 2/3/2008 Reference: S. Wu, Y. Zhang. ANGLOR: A Composite Machine-Learning Algorithm for Protein Backbone Torsion Angle Prediction. PLoS ONE 2008; 3: e3400.